Eat like a farmer this summer.
Join our CSA Program!
What is a CSA share?
CSA stands for community supported agriculture. CSA programs connect you with your local farmers. Prior to the growing season, members pay a subscription to our farm in exchange for a weekly box of fresh vegetables.
The Fall Harvest Box is an opportunity to see if our 17-week Summer CSA Program is right for you. A three week commitment that will nourrish you with all the best of the fall season.
For $110.00, the CSA member receives:
3 weeks of certified organic vegetables from October 5 to 31
2 shares valued at $30.00 per week + 1 storage share valued at $50.00
8-10 items per week - including carrots, beets, winter squash, onions, garlic, salad greens, and more.
A weekly newsletter with recipe ideas, storage tips, and stories from the farm.
Pick-up points in Westboro, Vieux-Hull & Beechwood.
Enjoy high-quality organic vegetables that are locally grown
Take pleasure in cooking delicious seasonal vegetables that are grown with close attention to nutrition, freshness and flavour.
Support us in our mission to farm ecologically using no-till farming practices
Join us in reimagining a different type of food system where agriculture contributes to strengthening our communities, feeding our bodies with nutrient-rich food, and regenerating our natural ecosystems.
Build new relationships with food, the land and your community
Food has the power to bring people together. Share with us in getting to know the delicate relationships between our land, our bodies and the living soils beneath our feet.
Why join our CSA program?
Need more information?
Send us an email at with your questions!