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Is a CSA subscription right for you? Take the quiz!

Joining a Community Supported Agriculture program is a big commitment. Before becoming a member and purchasing your baskets, it is important to think about whether it is the right fit for you and your family. Ask yourself these 5 questions to find out if our CSA is right for you!

1. Do you value high-quality vegetables?

Our vegetables are harvested the day before delivery and are quickly cooled to maintain their freshness at delivery and long afterward. Properly stored, your veggies will last a lot longer than you are used to. We promise that you will taste and see the difference in quality and freshness.

2. Do you want to get to know your local farmers and support alternative farming models?

This is the number 1 reason why our members join and we are so grateful to have a community that recognizes the positive ecological, health, and cultural impacts of local regenerative organic farming. By joining the CSA program, you are an integral part of our farm. You will know exactly where your food comes from and the people who grow it. You share the risks and rewards of our business, strengthening the relationship you have with what you eat.

3. Do you care about incorporating diverse nutrient-dense foods into your diet?

If you are interested in incorporating more diversity, seasonality, and nutrient density into your diet, the CSA is right for you! Not only do you get 8 different vegetables in your basket each week, but they change almost every week as the season progresses. We grow over 30 different varieties of vegetables in all shapes and colours and you will get to try most of them! We know that a diverse diet is better for our overall health and well-being. We also know that by focusing on the health of our soil, we will produce more nutrient-dense vegetables. We always say, healthy soil = healthy humans.

4. Do you like to try and experiment with new foods?

The CSA is all about seasonal eating. You will be introduced to new varieties of vegetables you may have never experienced. While we will help guide you and offer ideas on how to make the most of the vegetables in your basket, it's important to be open and excited to try new foods! If you have more than 2 vegetable-related dietary restrictions, the CSA might not be the right fit for you.

5. Do you have time to cook?

Everyone has different eating habits! Picking up a large basket of fresh vegetables every week is exciting for those who cook (at least 3 times per week), but can be overwhelming if you don’t have time to cook or tend to eat out a lot. Think through how often you currently eat at home and if you would like to change your eating habits. We do offer a bi-weekly option that is perfect for those who are new to the CSA model or who aren't sure how much they might eat.

Bonus question! Can you make the time to pick up your basket?

We offer three pick-up locations during the summer. It's important to check your schedule to make sure they work for you!

  • Westboro pick-up: Tuesdays from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. at Dovercourt Recreation Centre

  • Hull pick-up: Tuesdays from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. at Parc Fontaine

  • Chelsea pick-up: Thursdays from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. at the Marché Chelsea Market

If you answered no to more than 2 of these questions, the CSA might not be right for you. That's ok! There are other ways to support our farm and get to try our veggies including by stopping by the Chelsea Market on Thursday evenings and by purchasing a flower subscription.

If you are ready to sign up, follow the link below to be redirected to our registration form.

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